Archibald MacLeish
Archibald MacLeish

The business of the law is to make sense of the confusion of what we call human life - to reduce it to order but at the same time to give it possibility, scope, even dignity.

Arthur Peacocke
Arthur Peacocke

We are the first generation of human beings to have substantial insights into the origin of our cosmos and of human life in it.

Ben Brantley
Ben Brantley

I have received hostile voice mail messages and e-mails. They are often anonymous, I'm sad to say, as anonymous messages are delivered only by very low forms of human life, in my opinion.

Bill Flores
Bill Flores

Someday, somehow, the leadership of Planned Parenthood will have to answer for their callous disregard of the sanctity of human life. In the meantime, I am relieved that the Bryan abortion facility has gone out of business.

Blase J. Cupich
Blase J. Cupich

We must band together to call for gun-control legislation. We must act in ways that promote the dignity and value of human life.

Carol Windley
Carol Windley

I have a preference for writing that deals with domestic issues; even in visual art, I like work that focuses on very small aspects of human life. I like movies that have a very narrow focus. I can see how it might be viewed as limiting, but I don't experience it that way.

Caroline Knapp
Caroline Knapp

Dogs have such short life spans, it's like a concentrated version of a human life. When they get older, they become much more like our mothers. They wait for us, watch out for us, are completely fascinated by everything we do.

Cat Stevens
Cat Stevens

Communal well-being is central to human life.

Charles Bent
Charles Bent

The real end of prayer is not so much to get this or that single desire granted, as to put human life into full and joyful conformity with the will of God.

Charles Lindbergh
Charles Lindbergh

Civilization must be based on life. We should never forget that human life was created in and for millions of centuries, was nourished by primitive wildness. We cannot separate ourselves from this ancestral background.